新唐Cortex-M0 NuMicro系列驱动程序和软件库下载

发布时间:2014-5-28 15:22    发布者:eechina
关键词: NuMicro
板级支持包(Board Support Package)

Mini51DESeriesBSP_CMSIS_v3.00.001.zip (5.27 MB)
Mini51DE_Series_CMSIS_BSP_Revision_History.pdf (155.04 KB)
Mini51 series software package based on CMSIS version 3.1. It supports both IAR and Keil development environment with drivers and samples codes. Examples source code for NuTiny-SDK-Mini51 and Learning Board are included. For detailed, please download it and unzip it.

M051_Series_BSP_CMSIS_Rev3.00.001_test.zip (4.39 MB)
RH_M051_Series_CMSIS_BSP.pdf (353.98 KB)
M051 series software package based on CMSIS version 3.00.001. It supports both IAR and Keil development environment with drivers and samples codes. Examples source code for NuTiny-SDK-M051 and Learning Board are included. For detailed, please download it and unzip it.

BSP_M058S_Series_CMSIS_EN_V1.00.002.zip (2.89 MB)
RH_CMSIS_BSP_for_M058S_Series_.pdf (430.14 KB)
M058S series software package based on CMSIS version 1.3. It supports both IAR and Keil development environment with drivers and samples codes. Examples source code for NuTiny-SDK-M051 and Learning Board are included. For detailed, please download it and unzip it.

NUC100SeriesBSP_v1.05.003.zip (12.43 MB)
NUC100 Series Driver Reference Guide V1.05.001.pdf (2.66 MB)
NUC100 Series CMSIS BSP Revision History.pdf (273.16 KB)
NUC100 series software package based on CMSIS version 1.3. It supports both IAR and Keil development environment with drivers and samples codes. Examples source code for NuTiny-SDK-100/120/130/140 and Learning Board are included. For detailed, please download it and unzip it.

NUC122BSP_v1.01.003.zip (4.59 MB)
NUC122 Driver Reference Guide V1.00.002.pdf (1.76 MB)
NUC122 CMSIS BSP Revision History.pdf (264.84 KB)
NUC122 software package based on CMSIS version 1.3. It supports both IAR and Keil development environment with drivers and samples codes. Examples source code for NuTiny-SDK-122 are included. For detailed, please download it and unzip it.

NUC123SeriesBSP_CMSIS_V1.01.006.zip (4.14 MB)
RH_NUC123_CMSIS_BSP_Revision_History.pdf (265.1 KB)
NUC123 software package based on CMSIS version 1.3. It supports both IAR and Keil development environment with drivers and samples codes. Examples source code for NuTiny-SDK-123 are included. For detailed, please download it and unzip it.

NUC200SeriesBSP_V1.00.002.zip (6.96 MB)
NUC200_Series_CMSIS_BSP_Revision_History_EN.pdf (263.06 KB)
NUC200 series software package based on CMSIS version 1.3. It supports both IAR and Keil development environment with drivers and samples codes. Examples source code for NuTiny-SDK-200/220/230/240 and Learning Board are included. For detailed, please download it and unzip it.

NANO100B_Series_CMSIS_BSP_EN_Rev1.00.007.zip (13.5 MB)
RH_Nano100BN_Series_CMSIS_BSP_EN_V3.00.000.pdf (236.44 KB)
Nano100B series software package based on CMSIS version 3.1. It supports both IAR and Keil development environment with drivers and samples codes. Examples source code for NuTiny-SDK-Nano100/120/130 and Learning Board are included. For detailed, please download it and unzip it.

NANO102_112_SeriesBSP_CMSIS_V3.00.001.zip (12.82 MB)
RH_NuMicro_Nano102_112_Series_CMSIS_BSP.pdf (177.04 KB)
Nano102/112 series software package based on CMSIS version 3.1. It supports both IAR and Keil development environment with drivers and samples codes. Examples source code for NuTiny-SDK-Nano102/112 is included. For detailed, please download it and unzip it.

AU9110BSP_CMSIS_V1.01.006.zip (41.53 MB)
AU9110 software package based on CMSIS version 2.0. It supports both IAR and Keil development environment with drivers and samples codes. Examples source code for NuTiny-SDK-AU9110 are included. For detailed, please download it and unzip it.

程序员软件工具包(Programmer Software Tools Package)

ICP_Programming_Tool_V1.24.6211.zip (3.19 MB)
RH_ICP_Programming_Tools_EN_V1.24.6211.pdf (474.05 KB)
NuMicro ICP tool & user manual

NuMicro_ISP_Programming_Tool.zip (3.87 MB)
RH_NuMicro_ISP_Programming_Tools_Rev.1.44.0.pdf (346.08 KB)
NuMicro ISP Programming Tool & user manual

Nuvoton_NuGang_Programmer_Rev6.22.zip (4.98 MB)
RH_NuGan_Programmer_EN_Rev6.22.pdf (441.9 KB)
NuGang Programmer software & user manual

Nu-Link Driver

Nu-Link_Keil_Driver_1.24.6211.zip (6.93 MB)
RH_Nu-Link_Driver_for_Keil_RVMDK_EN_V1.24.6211.pdf (473.68 KB)
This driver is to support Nu-Link to work under Keil RVMDK Development Environment for all NuMicro Family Devices.

Nu-Link_Driver_for_IAR_EWARM_V1.24.6211.zip (6.32 MB)
RH_Nu-Link_Driver_for_IAR_EWARM_EN_V1.24.6211.pdf (525.58 KB)
This driver is to support Nu-Link to work under IAR EWARM Development Environment for all NuMicro Family Devices.
本文地址:https://www.eechina.com/thread-129686-1-1.html     【打印本页】

gxliu08 发表于 2014-5-30 19:53:20
pcbkey 发表于 2015-1-31 18:18:39
ml8866 发表于 2022-12-2 10:03:55
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