ARM Cortex-M0+ LPC81xM 数据表

发布时间:2013-10-16 13:36    发布者:eechina
关键词: Cortex-M0 , LPC81xM
The LPC81xM are an ARM Cortex-M0+ based, low-cost 32-bit MCU family operating at CPU frequencies of up to 30 MHz. The LPC81xM support up to 16 kB of flash memory and 4 kB of SRAM.

The peripheral complement of the LPC81xM includes a CRC engine, one I2C-bus interface, up to three USARTs, up to two SPI interfaces, one multi-rate timer, self wake-up timer, and state-configurable timer, one comparator, function-configurable I/O ports through a switch matrix, an input pattern match engine, and up to 18 general-purpose I/O pins.

LPC81xM 数据表

LPC81xM 数据表

LPC81XM.pdf (532.58 KB)
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wbsh 发表于 2013-10-17 15:06:21
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